Friday, December 27, 2019

The Horror Of Red Dragon - 986 Words

Horror for years has put people on the edge of their seats, begging the audience for more, even while scared out of their minds. Horror is an intense emotion that shows disgust and fear. This feeling is something some people might seek out for entertainment purposes–movies for example. The most interesting horror movie genres are serial killer, demon/ghost, and alien films. The first example of a horror movie genre are serial killer films. Serial killer flicks are meant to seek one’s inner fear so one might begin to question â€Å"what if?† Serial killers exist all throughout history and can be found in almost any place one might look. These movies strike fear into the viewer using real life scenarios but from the safety of a person’s own couch. Red Dragon is one of my personal favorite horror films. Will Graham has to use Hannibal Lector, an incarcerated formal cannibal murderer, to catch a serial killer called the Tooth Fairy. Hannibal has always been a series of books and movies that interest me. Halloween, the remake by Rob Zombie, also strikes panic into the viewer. It describes Michael Myers’s mental problems that developed at a young age, and now that pent up rage and anxiety took off and he became a blood lusting murder. I first saw Halloween at my mom’s house at about 1A.M. I was not supposed to be up at such a late hour, so sneaking into the living room and watching a serial killer cinematic would not be please to my tired and grumpy mother. I made it to the very endShow MoreRelatedThe Creatures Of The Mountains Of Ankar1220 Words   |  5 Pagesmountains of Ankar, resided an ancient breed of dragon. They were fire dragons, and were used to the frosty, high peaks they inhabited. Living for thousands upon thousands of years, these creatures ruled atop their mountain. Ruling as they please, and doing as they liked to the beings below them. They soared high in the sky without a fear in the world. 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