Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Arizona Copper Strike Conflict Analysis - 1717 Words

The Arizona towns of Clifton and Morenci, Arizona have a rich history with conflict and conflict transformation. The conflict between the Phelps Dodge Corporation (PDC) and United Steelworkers (USW) took place from 1983 to 1985 and had drastic implications on United States labor relations. This conflict analysis will focus on the conflict’s background, its evolution, and the parties and their issues. In addition, a reflection on important conflict resolution principles will be provided. Arizona Copper Strike: Conflict Analysis Copper is an essential part of the history of the United States, as most industrial machines need copper to operate. Wiring, vehicle construction, and roofing are but a few things made with copper. PDC was one of the leading copper mines in the Arizona. PDC was the â€Å"owner† of Morenci, the company owns or controls major services in the town, everything from electric power to the police service (Rosenblum, 1995 p.5). Many of the mineworkers, a majority (80%), were Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, who settled in Arizona in the early parts of the 20th century. This ethnic group fought long and hard for union representation as a way to solidify employee benefits and hold PDC accountable for unfair labor laws. In 1981, an economic recession affected the price of precious metals, including copper. In 1982, PDC faced three challenges: international competition, hard bargaining unions, and resistance to internal changes. PDC was forced to terminate 3,400 miners’Show MoreRela tedAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pageshelpful to the users of annual reports. 1-6 Accounting Information Systems Other than the financial statements and accompanying footnotes, an annual report provides information concerning  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  · Managements discussion and analysis of results. Organizational objectives, strategies, and managements outlook for the future. Board of Directors members and the officers and top management of the organization. Segment data and performance information. New initiatives and researchRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38427 Words   |  154 Pagesmake. There were more riots-sheep farmers again, because parchment was sheepskin, and it had become too expensive to use. So here was enough paper around to put o n the walls, and the scribes were going like gangbusters and pretty soon they were on strike for higher wages because it was a seller’s market. Everybody wanted their paperwork done because the Black Death was just over and everybody was inheriting like crazy. There just wasn’t enough writing ability to go around, until Gutenberg came alongRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38421 Words   |  154 Pagesmake. There were more riots-sheep farmers again, because parchment was sheepskin, and it had become too expensive to use. So here was enough paper around to put o n the walls, and the scribes were going like gangbusters and pretty soon they were on strike for higher wages because it was a seller’s market. Eve rybody wanted their paperwork done because the Black Death was just over and everybody was inheriting like crazy. There just wasn’t enough writing ability to go around, until Gutenberg came alongRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagescardinal principles of logical reasoning is: Be consistent in your own reasoning and be on the lookout for inconsistency in the reasoning of others. Here is a definition of inconsistency: Definition Statements are logically inconsistent if they conflict so that at least one of them must be false because together they imply something is so and also not so. Similarly, a group of instructions is inconsistent if together the instructions imply that somebody must both do and not do something. ────CONCEPTRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain issues inï ¬â€šuencing the competitive position of a number of organisations in the same industry with a relatively short case. For a case that permits a more comprehensive industry analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry could be used. However, if the purpose is more focused – illustrating the use of ‘ï ¬ ve forces’ analysis – the TUI case study or Illustration 2.3 on The Steel Industry could be used. Some cases are written entirely from published sources but most have been prepared in cooperation with

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