Friday, December 27, 2019

The Horror Of Red Dragon - 986 Words

Horror for years has put people on the edge of their seats, begging the audience for more, even while scared out of their minds. Horror is an intense emotion that shows disgust and fear. This feeling is something some people might seek out for entertainment purposes–movies for example. The most interesting horror movie genres are serial killer, demon/ghost, and alien films. The first example of a horror movie genre are serial killer films. Serial killer flicks are meant to seek one’s inner fear so one might begin to question â€Å"what if?† Serial killers exist all throughout history and can be found in almost any place one might look. These movies strike fear into the viewer using real life scenarios but from the safety of a person’s own couch. Red Dragon is one of my personal favorite horror films. Will Graham has to use Hannibal Lector, an incarcerated formal cannibal murderer, to catch a serial killer called the Tooth Fairy. Hannibal has always been a series of books and movies that interest me. Halloween, the remake by Rob Zombie, also strikes panic into the viewer. It describes Michael Myers’s mental problems that developed at a young age, and now that pent up rage and anxiety took off and he became a blood lusting murder. I first saw Halloween at my mom’s house at about 1A.M. I was not supposed to be up at such a late hour, so sneaking into the living room and watching a serial killer cinematic would not be please to my tired and grumpy mother. I made it to the very endShow MoreRelatedThe Creatures Of The Mountains Of Ankar1220 Words   |  5 Pagesmountains of Ankar, resided an ancient breed of dragon. They were fire dragons, and were used to the frosty, high peaks they inhabited. Living for thousands upon thousands of years, these creatures ruled atop their mountain. Ruling as they please, and doing as they liked to the beings below them. They soared high in the sky without a fear in the world. 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Every night, Grendel would attack the Danes, killing people that got in his way. â€Å"How many times have my men,.../ sworn to stay after dark/ And stem that horror with a sweep of their swords./ And then, in the morning, this mead-hall glittering/ With new light would be drenched with blood, the benches/ Stained red, the floors, all wet from that fiend s/ Savage assault-and my soldiers would be fewer/ Still death taking more and more. (Beowulf). This occurred for years on end which

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Arizona Copper Strike Conflict Analysis - 1717 Words

The Arizona towns of Clifton and Morenci, Arizona have a rich history with conflict and conflict transformation. The conflict between the Phelps Dodge Corporation (PDC) and United Steelworkers (USW) took place from 1983 to 1985 and had drastic implications on United States labor relations. This conflict analysis will focus on the conflict’s background, its evolution, and the parties and their issues. In addition, a reflection on important conflict resolution principles will be provided. Arizona Copper Strike: Conflict Analysis Copper is an essential part of the history of the United States, as most industrial machines need copper to operate. Wiring, vehicle construction, and roofing are but a few things made with copper. PDC was one of the leading copper mines in the Arizona. PDC was the â€Å"owner† of Morenci, the company owns or controls major services in the town, everything from electric power to the police service (Rosenblum, 1995 p.5). Many of the mineworkers, a majority (80%), were Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, who settled in Arizona in the early parts of the 20th century. This ethnic group fought long and hard for union representation as a way to solidify employee benefits and hold PDC accountable for unfair labor laws. In 1981, an economic recession affected the price of precious metals, including copper. In 1982, PDC faced three challenges: international competition, hard bargaining unions, and resistance to internal changes. PDC was forced to terminate 3,400 miners’Show MoreRela tedAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pageshelpful to the users of annual reports. 1-6 Accounting Information Systems Other than the financial statements and accompanying footnotes, an annual report provides information concerning  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  · Managements discussion and analysis of results. Organizational objectives, strategies, and managements outlook for the future. Board of Directors members and the officers and top management of the organization. Segment data and performance information. New initiatives and researchRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38427 Words   |  154 Pagesmake. There were more riots-sheep farmers again, because parchment was sheepskin, and it had become too expensive to use. So here was enough paper around to put o n the walls, and the scribes were going like gangbusters and pretty soon they were on strike for higher wages because it was a seller’s market. Everybody wanted their paperwork done because the Black Death was just over and everybody was inheriting like crazy. There just wasn’t enough writing ability to go around, until Gutenberg came alongRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38421 Words   |  154 Pagesmake. There were more riots-sheep farmers again, because parchment was sheepskin, and it had become too expensive to use. So here was enough paper around to put o n the walls, and the scribes were going like gangbusters and pretty soon they were on strike for higher wages because it was a seller’s market. Eve rybody wanted their paperwork done because the Black Death was just over and everybody was inheriting like crazy. There just wasn’t enough writing ability to go around, until Gutenberg came alongRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagescardinal principles of logical reasoning is: Be consistent in your own reasoning and be on the lookout for inconsistency in the reasoning of others. Here is a definition of inconsistency: Definition Statements are logically inconsistent if they conflict so that at least one of them must be false because together they imply something is so and also not so. Similarly, a group of instructions is inconsistent if together the instructions imply that somebody must both do and not do something. ────CONCEPTRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain issues inï ¬â€šuencing the competitive position of a number of organisations in the same industry with a relatively short case. For a case that permits a more comprehensive industry analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry could be used. However, if the purpose is more focused – illustrating the use of ‘ï ¬ ve forces’ analysis – the TUI case study or Illustration 2.3 on The Steel Industry could be used. Some cases are written entirely from published sources but most have been prepared in cooperation with

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Luxury brands free essay sample

Intoduction:- â€Å"Luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends. † Whenever you switch on the television, or flip through the pages of magazines, you are bombarded with celebrity news and reality shows that touch your inner needs to feel beautiful, important and recognized. Those gorgeous people in advertisements tell you that their lifestyle and material possessions like clothes and accessories can make you beautiful as well, and help you to be part of their world. All you need to do is to buy the right fashion brands by the right designers. Then you start to crave for the Louis Vuitton bag or the Chanel glasses. Soon you are hooked by the luxury. Fashion has always played a significant role in the history of the great civilizations. With the clear differences between social classes the consumption of luxury was limited to the elite classes. The nineteenth century marked the beginning of the luxury goods sector and the start of many of the highly valuable luxury brands that we know today, e. g. Gucci, Hermes, Cartier and Louis Vuitton in France, Burberry in England and Bvlgare in Italy. Nowadays, the luxury fashion sector is the fourth largest revenue generator in France, and one of the most remarkable sectors in Italy, Spain, the USA and the emerging markets of China, Russia and India. The luxury industry has increased impressively having a huge growth in demand. The luxury consumer is powerful. Consumers have much choice in products, shopping channels and pricing of luxury goods. The aim of this study is to examine young people’s attitudes, i. e. their beliefs, feelings and purchase intentions, towards luxury brands. The author tries to find out what â€Å"luxury† means to young people, what influences their consumer decision-making, and on a small scale, young adults luxury brand awareness. 3 defining factors of luxury: Luxury is nonessential: Luxury is desired, not needed. In luxury you are at your best. It makes your life richer and more worth living. Luxury is hard to get: Its availability is restricted by high price, by small series, by exclusiveness. If you are allowed at all to try and get it, it demands an effort, a sacrifice. Luxury is superb, inspiring feelings of wonder and excitement: It represents an outstanding achievement, it is a divine experience. You cannot but admire the people that created it. You are so charged up that you must share your experience with others. What is Brand? A distinguishing symbol, mark, logo, name, word, sentence or a combination of these items that companies use to distinguish their product from others in the market. Once a brand has created positive sentiment among its target audience, the firm is said to have built brand equity. Levels of brands:- Signature brands These are the most expensive brands in their category. They are personal creations, one of a kind, signed by a highly acclaimed authority or by an artist of supreme status (an outfit created by Tom Ford) Supreme brands These are products that are produced in limited series, often hand crafted (a Rolls Royce Phantom 101EX car, the service at Tiffany Co. , or a night at the Ritz Hotel in Paris). High End brands High quality mass production (from a BeoCenter2 music system by Bang Olufsen to G Collection chocolate pieces by Godiva). 6 P’s of luxury brand marketing Performance:- Performance refers to the delivery of superior experience of a luxury brand at two levels – first, at a product level which must satisfy the functional and utilitarian characteristic as well as deliver on its practical physical attributes and, second, at an experiential level i-e the emotional value of the brand the consumers buy into – beyond what the product is to what it represents. Pedigree:- Many luxury brands have a rich pedigree and extraordinary history that turn into an inseparable part of the brand’s mystique which isbuilt around the exceptional legendary founder character of the past. Paucity:- over distribution of luxury brands can cause dilution of luxury character. Hence, many brands try to maintain the perception that the goods are scarce. paucity is more promotional in nature such as the limited editions or the special series to generate artificial desire and demand. Public figures:- Public figures or celebrities have traditionally been employed as one of the marketing mix in luxury brand advertising and they still continue to grab attention, credibility and impact. This strategy attempts to remove the appearance of â€Å"selling† while still promoting the product by making it seem as a part of the celebrity’s lives, thereby positively affecting the consumer’s attitudes, brand value and purchase intention. Public relations:- plays an enormous role in image proliferation of the brand, thereby subtly influencing public opinion. PR is used to generate buzz and convey brand news. Pricing:- Consciously or subconsciously, consumers tend to generate a mental luxury stature or image with the price range that the brand operates. it is important for luxury brands to price themselves right as setting the price lower than consumer expectation and willingness to pay can potentially harm the brand value. Five steps to build a luxury brands Identifying a niche segment:- Luxury brands are built on the premise of offering high symbolic value to a very selective segment of consumers who are more focused on high status associations than the underlying price. As luxury brands are substantively different from other brands. Positioning based on high levels of differentiation:- As global brands strategize their competitive moves, they are likely to either follow a cost leadership strategy or a differentiation strategy. luxury brands should aggressively differentiate their brand experience. luxury brands are characterized by high levels of customer loyalty, that define their identity and powerful associations. Emphasizing symbolic value:- The most important element is the brand’s ability to create and communicate symbolic value for its customers. Symbolic value means the extent to which the brand is perceived by the customers. Creating perceptions of exclusivity:- All luxury brands strive to create a sense of exclusivity for their customers. Perceptions of exclusivity can be created by unattainable price, limited geographic availability, barriers to possession, or even limited supply. It enables the brand to sustain its positioning in the face of extreme external shocks such as heightened competition, regulatory shocks or even recession. Uncompromising delivery on superior brand promise:- Successful brands are those that create supportive organizational and operational structures that facilitate the implementation of strategies to deliver on promises which involves multiple dimensions in the case of luxury brands. they also will need to project consistency and continuity at every possible touch point. Objectives of the study:- To examine consumer’s motives for buying luxury brands. To identify the factors influencing the consumer’s at the time of purchasing luxury brands. To measure the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction among the people with their preferred luxury brands. To examine consumer’s preferences towards celebrity endorsed brands in comparison to premium brands. Need of the study:- It has been observed the growth of Luxury market is growing by leaps and bounds. The world has become a very small place in terms of geographies and global distance is getting shorter and shorter every day. Modes of communication have increased considerably and hence people have exposure to varying products available at a premium cadre across the globe. Hence it becomes imperative to design and market. Luxury brands that have a universal appeal and can take on the needs and aspirations of people across the globe. Review of Literature:- (Hansen Wanke, 2011) Luxury is highly desirable, but affordable only to a few. Luxury is often described as something being of excellent quality, which means that the ingredients or components of a luxury product are exceptional and superior to what is found in ordinary products. (Dubois Kapferer, 2010) were among the first to recognize the importance of international luxury products and brands in academic literature. (Dijk, 2009) Luxury brands is the kind of goods for which demand increases as income rises, and goods that have a high income elasticity of demand. (Silverstein Fiske, 2008) Brands are important when creating an individual style, especially when talking about shoes, clothing, watches, fashion accessories, spirits and cars. Brands send messages to friends, lovers and potential employers about who a person is or would like to be. (Danziger, 2005) Luxuries are the extras in life that make it more fulfilling, more rewarding, more comfortable, more enjoyable†. She further suggests a definition for the concept, which states that luxury is â€Å"that which nobody needs but desires†. (Vickers, 2003) It has been remarked that luxury goods are higher in the psychological, social and symbolic dimension, while non luxury goods score higher in the functional value. (Dubois Czellar, 2002) have also explored the relationship between the concepts of luxury and prestige as applied to brands by means of an interpretative analysis of in-depth consumer interviews. The results indicated that prestige can be achieved independently of luxury in many categories. At a symbolic level, consumers can interpret luxury as the symbol of brand prestige. (Dubois, Laurent Sandor Czellar, 2001) published a consumer report analyzing complex and ambivalent attitudes to luxury. Again they conducted two studies. The first study was a consumer-based exploratory analysis with usual qualitative interviewing methods. Research Methodology:- Research is an intensive study in a particular field to achieve at a better conclusion of a problem. Research Methodology is a systematic way of solving the problem. 1) Research Type:- Type of research used is Descriptive Research. The purpose of using the descriptive research method is to acquire accurate, factual, systematic data that can provide you with an actual picture of the data set that you are reviewing. 2) Research Design:- The research design is the basic framework or a plan for a study that guides the collection of data and analysis of data. It includes how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analyzing data collected. 3) Data collection method:- a) Primary data:- Questionnaire: These are designed to collect information which consists of relevant questions about the respondent’s attitude and consumer preferences. It is semi-structured, has a combination of close and open ended questions. A sample of 100 will be chosen. The survey will aim at young people under the age 20-30 in Ludhiana. b) Secondary data:- Information that has been previously gathered for some purpose other than the current research project. Information gathered from research journals, books, internet and articles. 3)Sampling:- When some of the elements are selected with the intention of finding out something about the population from which they are taken, that group of elements is referred as a sample, and the process of selection is called Sampling. 4) Sampling Unit:- A single section selected to research and gather statistics of the whole. Limitations:- A major limitation of the project is that it lacks broader exploration on consumer perception and purchasing of luxury products and its relationship with local products. This study has a homogeneous sample and its analyses and tests can only be applied to present luxury consumers. The sample size for both, quantitative and qualitative research might be seen as a further limitation of this research impacting the extent of generalization and should be increased in future research. This would also allow for a better differentiations to gender, age and/or income groups and for higher levels of R-square explanation. The positive relationships between purchasing of luxury goods and the need of uniqueness, symbolic/status consumption and identity indicate that most of the people want to avoid similarity, but, at the same time, they want to possess the status symbols that are consumed to symbolize personal and social identity.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Biggest Myth About Freelance Writing Thats Stopping You From Succeeding

I get emails from aspiring writers, mom bloggers and those that have been freelance writing for a while. They ask questions like what a good rate is to start off, if I could help them with a niche and where to find better freelance writing jobs. All of these questions are dancing around an even bigger question. Because, if youre on the other side of this – someone who has a full-time job and is only thinking about freelancing – then the biggest myth that you believe is that its impossible to make a living from this. Maybe you dont think its a myth; you think its fact. You just cant make a sustainable income as a freelance writer. Im here to tell you that it is possible to live off your freelance writing income alone. A lot of my course students in Write Your Way to Your First $1k quit their full-time job and now do this full-time. So, lets tackle the reasons why you may believe that you cant make a living as a freelance writer. 1. You Need to Be a Journalist Maybe you think that if you had a journalism degree then its possible to make a living as a writer. Let me be clear here, you dont need a degree to be a freelance writer AND make a living from it. In fact, you dont need to be the greatest writer out there either. I make a lot of grammar mistakes, but thats why I have a copy editor 🙂 Remember, anyone can start a business online. Its what you do with it that will make you stand out and be successful at it. While a degree may make you feel like your are qualified to write, if you love to write, know how to write engaging copy, then you can write for small businesses, magazines, publications or for solopreneurs. 2. You Just Make Pennies for Your Writing I thought this too for a while. All I ever saw were cheap writing projects and no prospect ever cared about the value I had as a writer. It wasnt until I looked in other places, changed my ideal client and learned what clients really wanted, that I was able to raise my rate and make a living from this! But, for a lot of writers, this is where they are stuck. One course student was writing for content mills for 5 years before she switched it all and decided to change it. Its hard once youre in it. How do you break free from content mills? What I did, was start a website. I decided not to look at freelance writing marketplaces like UpWork for freelance writing jobs. I made my own path and Im glad I did! I was able to land my real first client at $400/month about a month after starting my website and pitching. Soon after, I made my first $1k and it got better and better after that! So you see, it is possible to have clients value your worth as a writer. I have clients that want to only work with me and I have others that dont bat at my rates. 3. You Have to Write 10,000 Words a Day Okay. So, maybe you think, well in order to make a living as a writer, you need to write hella lot! Not the case. Theres no need to churn out 5,000 words a day just to make a living. For me, my average project is between 1500-2000 words. I do have some clients that want long form projects of up to 4k words, but that might be once a month. Since I do this part-time, and I have other blogs I write for and manage, I dont have a lot of time to sit and write 10k words a day! What did I do? Learned to type faster Batch my tasks Raised my rate more Chose which projects I wanted to do Thats basically it. I learned to type faster so I can whip out these posts quickly and kept raising my rate so that the time I put in equated to a full-time income. 4. Theres Too Much Competition You know what? There are a lot of freelance writers out there! I mean, in my free course on Getting Paid to Write Online, I have over 4,000 hopeful writers rearing to get paid for their writing! Thats a lot. So, how can you still get projects? How can you compete with all that competition? Easy.just carve your own space online. This is called your writer platform and thats what I had to do to break free from content mills. I had to create a brand and presence online so prospects could pay attention to me and only me. (Psst.I have an entire module on that too!) You Can Make a Living From Writing I know you have a passion to be a writer. I know that. But, youre finding it challenging to connect the dots and profit from your writing. Now, while Im not an author and Im not a fiction writer, I can point you to start writing for small businesses. This is what I do. I write in the B2B space and its lucrative. One thing I forgot to tackle in this post is that for some people, they may not succeed because they feel they picked the wrong niche. There are profitable niches out there, but that doesnt mean you cant turn your niche into a profitable niche. By narrowing down your niche and putting your own stamp on that niche, you can make a living from it. Here are some of the niches of my Writeto1k course students: gaming/pop culture industry sound engineering parenting business education marriage writing social media pet industry automotive medical writing healthy aging personal finance careers tech writing digital marketing Poker small business finance travel corporate wellness health So, you see, there are varied writers in my course! But, they are working hard, pitching harder and landing gigs left and right! Its your turn – whats holding you back from making a living from writing? Get My Free Course on Getting Paid to Write Online