Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Julia s Character Development And Transformation

Julia’s character development and transformation in Danzon by Maria Novaro The movie Danzon by Maria Novaro may seem like a typical â€Å"woman seeking man† type of plot, but in actuality the film presents a change in the traditional gender roles. Danzon deviates from the traditional gender roles ever present in Mexican melodramas. Julia is a common phone operator living in Mexico City that only shares her time with her daughter, her job, and danzon. She meets with Carmelo, her dance partner, every Wednesday at a popular salon to show that they are the best at danzon. Although they have been dance partners for years, they do not know each other outside of the world of danzon. When one day Carmelo consecutively seize to appear in their†¦show more content†¦Secondly, the pain and bothersome of the footwear forcibly imposed by the men over women is accentuated through their rapid removal of the shoes right when the dance ends. Which leads to a theme of the movie as a whole - Julia breaking the rigid patriarchal societal structure. Danzon is Jul ia s life - unyielding and manipulated by men, either being a patriarchal culture or her dance partner. The dance is recognized as the only space of coexistence between men and women. A symbolic representation of the relationship between the sexes where their communication compasses their feet, body and arms. The world was danzon, the dance, not the desire to walk with men. It is consistently recognized that the three activities that devotes her life in Mexico City are totally full of guidelines and rules. Julia’s movements follow a pre-established routine, and danzon, like dancing, is the best example of this pre-established order - the discipline and the inability to improvise. It is a dance, like most, where women must go with your partner, where Carmelo puts his hand on her waist and Julia follows his lead. Melodramatic song is often sung by a singer who is not at all present on and throughout the film.

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