Saturday, February 22, 2020

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research Paper Example 7). The post secondary education offers non-degree programs leading to certificates, diplomas and degree levels. The system does not have a second or higher doctorate, but it offers post doctorate research programs. Because of this complexities and levels, the system has been labelled as an obsolete system that requires innovation. Contentious issues exist on the current organization of levels in the education structure, the K-12 structure. Most American learners especially in literature and arithmetic have accused the education structure of inadequacies that that lead to academic incapability. The chief demonstrators of the existence of academic structure issues lay on incompetence in employment places, as well as the escalating numbers of dropouts. This shows that instructors do not utilize appropriate mechanisms to enhance knowledge comprehension and retention, and techniques that stimulate learners’ interest in academics. This dissertation scrutinizes academic reforms, the various facets that it possesses, and suggested modifications. Relevant instructional material and qualified teachers comprise valuable educational components for education at home or school. This enables students to learn and gain skills and knowledge. They also contribute to the ability of students to compete for economic security through job competition. Adequate education provides students with the tools required for engagement in appropriate civic adult life (Rowan, & Miller, p. 5). The consequences of lacking the educational facilities and components have led to decline in the standards of education. The disparities and inadequacies of instructional material, teachers and facilities, indicate a systemic and deep flaw in the national educational system. These flaws include incoherent and fragmented approach to national policymaking. They also indicate a flawed system of school finance based inequitable distribution of resources. Varied individuals suggest differing solutions t o the problem of academic restructuring in America. Additionally, there have been innumerable transformations of the current structure of American education since commencement. The problem lay with defining the perfect system of organizing and delivering of knowledge in academic institutions. This results to a dilemma because of varied ideologies on educational systems from reformists, as well as scholars. In addition, politicians add to the misunderstanding that surrounds the definition of an ideal structure of education worth implementing. Most politicians voice what they perceive as the anticipation of voters (Futrell, p. 9). They lack an understanding of the reality of the inadequacies in the educational systems, and the requirements for educational reforms. This raises debate on the appropriateness of their ideologies (McClure, Wiener, Roza, & Hill, p. 10). There exists a universal conviction in the global community that education provides an imperative resource that crucial fo r involving in life’s triumphs. Education provides the perseverance to acquire skills and the determination to attain objectives and achieve high standards. It permits individuals to comprehend skills of life and the value of possessing such skill; hence the need to ascertain its attainment. Consequently, creating a competitive, educational structure crucially contributes to the wellbeing of

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